What comes to mind when you hear the word “heart”? At the Idaho Museum of International Diaspora (IMID), HEART encapsulates words that spell just that, but the words themselves represent the guiding principles that IMID upholds. Transformed into a special and unique award, the IMID’s HEART Award recognizes the award recipient for outstanding support and contribution of time, talent, leadership, and resources to enhance IMID’s ability to influence a positive community transformation. Connecting communities to global cultures is at the core of the IMID guided by the organization’s set of core values that spell HEART:
HISTORY. HONOR. HUMAN. Preserving the integrity of history and honoring the human journey.
EMPOWER. EDUCATION. EXPLORE. ENGAGE. Empower individuals through education and explore creative ways to deepen community engagement.
ACCEPTANCE. AWARENESS. ACCOUNTABILITLY. Through acceptance of diversity, awareness is gained and accountability upheld.
RELATIONSHIPS. RESPONSIBILITY. Taking responsibility to foster a community of relationships.
TRUTH. TOLERANCE. Exercise mutual respect and tolerance for others while maintaining strong commitment to the integrity of truth.

This year’s only HEART Award recipient – Trevor Ó Clochartaigh, HR Director at TG4 and founding member of IMID’s Global Leadership Council – was honored and celebrated at a special VIP Networking Dinner (18 September) during IMID’s 2nd international conference, Climate on Culture (18-21 September), held in beautiful Galway, Ireland.
The award was presented by IMID founder and CEO / Executive Director, Dr. Palina Louangketh with special comments by Elke Shaw-Tulloch, Chair of the IMID Board and Dr. Sascha Priewe, Chair of IMID Global Leadership Council followed by a heart-warmed speech of gratitude and additional acknowledgements of Ireland-based partners by Ó Clochartaigh.

The process of a recipient nomination for IMID’s HEART Award involves a thorough review including a full vote by the IMID Board of Directors. One of the criteria requires the recipient to have engaged in a multiyear relationship with IMID and collaborated on priorities and activities that align to IMID’s core value, HEART. The entire process takes a minimum of two years to determine if a recipient personifies this set of values to further the mission and vision of the IMID in an invaluable and immeasurable way. The HEART Award recognizes Trevor Ó Clochartaigh for outstanding support of the IMID movement and extending his heart, leadership, network partners, resources, services, and community to enhance IMID’s influence to impact positive community transformation. Connecting the community to cultures from around the world is at the center of the IMID guided by a special set of core values, HEART.
Acknowledgement: Thank you to the incredible partners who joined alongside IMID and served as co-hosts (University of Galway, CREW, TG4, Galway Culture Company, Atlantic Technological University, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Fáilte Ireland, the Welsh Government Office in Ireland, Connacht Hotel Group), sponsors (Fáilte Ireland, Ealaín na Gaeltachta, and The Connacht Hotel Galway), and collaborating partners (Univerzita Mateja Bela Faculty of Arts, Emory University, Legacies of War, North American Cultural Diplomacy Initiative, National Museums NI, Donostia Kultura, Mainspring Agency, TRANSMIXR, Kylemore Abbey, and Danse Demain | HUMANYA).